It's hard to describe myself since so much happens in my tiny brain in a short amount of time. I am very much a Beastars fanboy, Half of my art probably will just be Beastars-related. I don't really interact outside my friend group that often.


Joined on 8/15/24

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I am here. I exist in the NOW

Posted by VoidShard69212 - August 16th, 2024

Hi, I don't usually post my art anywhere public (Cuz I'm a fucking pussy and I fear the people of the internet) Me and my friends were just talking about websites where people can post their art. Friend 1 kinda convinced me to make an account I think? We went over Twitter, Tumblr, Deviant Art, and eventually Newgrounds. I was torn about which platform I'd choose to post my art on. (TikTok and Newgrounds) I chose Newgrounds but I might start posting my art on a Tiktok account sometime later on. But I'm still unsure about having a social media where everyone could see me and my creations. But I guess talking to strangers can't be all that bad after all, that's how friends are made. As for why I'm making a post like this?

Girl, I don't fucking know- I think I just want my thoughts out there but it's not like a bunch of people are going to see my posts/art on here since my account is fresh out of the oven. It's on purpose that there are no tags on this post, as for why? I don't know. It's hard to write out what's on my mind especially while talking to real people. (I've always been like that, Shocker.)

Now that I'm looking at this post. It kinda looks like a journal/introduction post? Typing it all out feels weird but in a good way. This is probably really unnecessary, I don't know if other people do this, and I don't know if this is considered normal on here. I especially don't know what I want from all this >:-/

Anywho~ This post will just sound cringe to people who aren't my close friends, The Same goes for my future endeavors on this website and others. After all, I am an autistic gay furry It's just in my nature to be cringe. Womp Womp

What's next? I'll post some art here and there. (Mostly OCs and characters) Maybe even another post talking about stuff I'm thinking about, or I just might give up on this thing and delete/abandon it. This is all just a nothing burger why the hell am I putting my energy into this!?!?!?

I am talking to a brick wall here lmao (Truly delusional behavior)



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